Competition Indoor Swimming Pool, Harrislee

The indoor swimming pool forms the end of the large-scale structures of the school and sports site in the municipality of Harrislee, which is surrounded by small-scale residential buildings.
The topographically sloping terrain limits the height of the structure, which has a single-storey appearance towards the intersection and at the same time allows for supply and disposal via the partially exposed basement.
Adjacent to the building site is the Entensee lake, which is located at a lower level.
The Entensee is part of a green corridor that opens up into the landscape to the north and is bordered by the indoor swimming pool from the south.
The orientation of the foyer, indoor swimming pool and sauna areas towards the landscape is obvious.
The footpath to the lake and the lake itself should be designed with small seating areas under shady trees and invite people to linger.

Project data

Place: Ecke Slukeftebogen/ Alt Frösleer Weg, 24955 Harrislee
Sponsor: Municipality Harrislee
Competition management: Drees & Sommer SE
Procedure: non open, single-phase, structural engineering realization competition
Competition: 09/2024
Model: Thorsten Stenzeleit Modellbau
Visualizations: grauwald studio
  • Schwimmhalle Harrislee
  • Schwimmhalle Harrislee


Barrier-free access to the foyer for all bathers and for groups directly to their changing rooms is oriented towards the road junction.
Pedestrian access from the school campus to the swimming pool hall is from Alt Frösler Weg at the level of the existing crosswalk. The area in front of the entrances is not used by motor vehicles; only the bicycle parking area is oriented towards the car parking spaces.
Access for cars is from the Slukefterbogen to the parking area in front. In the event of congestion, the row of parking spaces along Alt Frösler Weg can be used.
For delivery and waste disposal traffic, there is a second access road at the south-eastern end of the property with direct access to the basement with a delivery zone and staff access located here.
The staff rooms in this area are located in the open area in the basement.
Schwimmhalle Harrislee, Lageplan

Function and operation


The foyer of the indoor swimming pool is entered from the north-west. Large façade openings to the Entensee lake provide an attractive view as well as an attractive view of what is happening in the swimming pool.
Access to the swimming pool hall via barefoot boot corridors, the barrier-free changing rooms for wheelchairs and families in front and the separately accessible group changing rooms avoid hecticness and lack of space in the adjoining rooms.
If a sauna facility is built, it can be reached directly from the foyer via a connecting staircase and elevator as well as from the bathing area. Access control is located at the entrance to the sauna facility in the basement, which is favorably exposed due to its topographical location and allows a view and orientation towards the Entensee. The outdoor area of the sauna facility is surrounded by permanently green hedges and trees, so that the view from outside into the outdoor sauna area is obstructed.
There is an open connecting staircase to the terrace on the level of the bathing hall with a far-reaching view of the landscape. The terrace in the textile area can be used by bathers, sauna guests or both groups of people.
Schwimmhalle Harrislee, Erdgeschoss mit Außenanlagen
Erdgeschoss mit Außenanlagen

Design and Layout

With its large form, the building is a continuation of the school buildings opposite. The calm monolithic structure is only recessed in the area of the entrances and the terrace or the possible sauna and is crowned by the moving form of the folding structure.
The roof as a folded structure and the load-bearing inclined supports, which are visible behind the window façade, are the design-defining elements of the building.
Schwimmhalle Harrislee, Untergeschoss


The V-shaped wooden supports take up the design language of the folding roof and rest on the basement as a closed block. The outer skin consists of vertical diamond-shaped wooden strips made from local timber, which are weather-resistant thanks to construction measures and pre-treatment using the Accoya or Kebony system, which guarantees a service life of several decades.
Ansicht Nord-West
Ansicht Nord-West
Ansicht Nord-Ost
Ansicht Nord-Ost

Daylight utilization


Openings in the façades are deliberately placed over a large area on the long sides of the pool. The opposite facades allow a view through.
Glare during lane swimming is avoided by the orientation and arrangement of the façade openings; the swimming direction from the acclimatization stairs is also towards the north. The south-facing walkway on the pool deck is large enough to avoid the steep sunlight entering the pool from the south. To reduce the energy input, the south-facing glazing could be printed with grid points without losing the view or using reflective solar control glass.
The foyer and the entrance to the group changing rooms also offer a large-area view.
The exposure to daylight is optimized by the targeted and large-area façade openings.
Schwimmhalle Harrislee, Ansicht Süd-Westen
Ansicht Süd-West
Schwimmhalle Harrislee, Ansicht Süd-Ost
Ansicht Süd-Ost

Structural concept – folding structure and V-columns

Wooden construction on the hall floor

The folded structure could be delivered pre-produced in individual segments and placed on the previously assembled inclined columns or walls at the construction site. The roof elements as well as the walls can be produced with large insulation thicknesses using insulation materials made from renewable raw materials (cellulose for cavity insulation and soft wood fiber insulation for solid components of the walls and roofs.
Schwimmhalle Harrislee, Längsschnitt B-B
Längsschnitt B-B

Concrete construction in the basement

The basement in the sloping terrain is made of reinforced concrete on the outer walls, ceilings and base. The pool walls are dimensioned so that a non-self-supporting stainless steel pool can be installed. The pool head with the Finnish channel is formed exclusively by the stainless steel construction.
Schwimmhalle Harrislee, Fassadenschnitt


Energy consumption should be minimized through the optimized building envelope and technical systems. Regenerative or recuperative heat recovery will reduce the loss of energy.
The choice of materials is evaluated according to LCA and LCC. The use of materials from renewable raw materials and the reuse of materials and constructions has priority over recycling, downcycling or disposal.

Building services

Energy concept

The combination of heat pump, biogas-powered CHP and photovoltaics for heat generation in conjunction with a large heat storage unit and electricity storage enables the energy reserves for heat and electricity to be used largely independently of time.
Heat recovery from grey water from showers, washbasins, backwashing and cleaning water optimizes the energy balance.
The gray water is used for toilet flushing and outdoor irrigation before being disposed of in the sewer.
The ventilation systems for the indoor swimming pool and adjoining rooms should be located in a technical center above the changing rooms to enable short distances for fresh air and exhaust air. The use of chaotic supply air flow should be examined for energy optimization.
Schwimmhalle Harrislee, Haustechnikkonzept

Open-space concept

Parking lot

The parking lot will be greened with native, evergreen conifers, e.g: Pines (Pinus nelsonii) and undergrowth of oval-leaved privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium).
Schwimmhalle Harrislee, Querschnitt A-A
Querschnitt A-A

Open space and duck lake

The footpath to the Entensee lake should be lined with native deciduous trees that shed their leaves in winter. The footpath and the recreation areas should be made of edged, water-bound surfaces.
  • Schwimmhalle Harrislee, Architekturmodell 01
  • Schwimmhalle Harrislee, Architekturmodell 02
  • Schwimmhalle Harrislee, Architekturmodell 03
  • Schwimmhalle Harrislee, Architekturmodell 04
  • Schwimmhalle Harrislee, Architekturmodell 05

Sauna courtyard

The sauna courtyard is to be bordered with hardy, evergreen yew hedges (Taxus) and framed with evergreen pines. The area itself will be zoned with fragrant herbs and colorful flowers in a 4-season rhythm. A touch and feel trail, an outdoor shower and water tubs for footbaths can be used alongside loungers and typical regional beach chairs to create a varied and relaxing recreation area with a view of the landscape.